Chung's Individual Self-Reflection

Trust and Communication 

– the important elements for successful collaboration

Nowadays, it is very common for business world to adopt virtual teams and collaboration between difference businesses parties become more essential. Since I am working for an international bank, my colleagues are all around the world. It is usual for me to adopt virtual teams to work. So, I guess I am good enough to handle the collaboration projects. After completed this project, I recognized that difference situations can make collaboration become difficult and successful collaboration should be based trust and communication.
Our team used the following tools to make our project done, Gmail, WeChat, Skype, Dropbox, Prezi, mobile phone and face-to-face meeting.
1. Gmail
We used Gmail for writing reply or request for teammates, share useful information between teammates and morning class teammate. The morning class teammate took the initial step to contact us on Gmail. With the help of Gmail, it created the bridge between our team and the morning team. However, it also created problem with morning class. It is because writing is harder to understand than listen or speak to other peoples. Thus, we faced the problem with morning class as well, we misunderstand both side ideas, for example, they first sent out email to invite us while we misunderstood and sent out internal team meeting invitation to them.
2. WeChat
WeChat is our instant massagers used for our project. Jane helped our team to form a Group chartroom. This tool is very useful for our project, especially we are from difference department, Sophia and Jane are full time students who had lesson on Saturday morning and afternoon, while I am a part time student with a busy job. It is quite hard for us to meet together. The tool helps us to communicate with each other without physical constraint. So we used it daily. Also, we also formed inter-group chartroom for morning group. Before each inter-group meeting started, we both side will inform each other to prepare stuffs for the meeting. However, it WeChat is not working fine to our project. It is because the nature of WeChat is to discuss a short and simple stuff. Once the discussion getting more in depth, it is very hard for us to get back those important details. Also, it is quite easy for to replace our cell phone or get a new cell phone. Furthermore, I got some problem with my WeChat account which logout my account automatically. Hence, all my chat history was gone. So it will be better if we could summary the information from chat room and send out email to notice each out.
3. Skype
Since we are forming virtual team, both side of teammate cannot be met physically. Hence, we used Skype to form our inter-group meeting and treat it as our online voice massager. We took the inter-group meeting weekly. This is my first time to use Skype for group voice chatting. This experience is quite good for me. Skype can handle six people talk at the same time. During the meeting, we exchanged our ideas for projects and pick up the most suitable idea for project. It helped us to reduce misunderstanding of ideas and improve information symmetry. Henry from morning class helped us to write meeting minutes after meeting.
4. Dropbox
We used Dropbox to share documents, useful information. I created Dropbox folder for both my team and inter-team as well. After every inter-group meeting, Henry kept the meeting minutes on Dropbox. Drift ideas and presentation materials are stored on Dropbox. Dropbox improved our information flow a lot. When we have any ideas or any things that would like to share to each teammate, we will upload those files to Dropbox. Once teammate login Dropbox, they are able to get the latest version of the document. If they want to get back the particular version of documents, simply login and all versions are shown to them. This is useful and effective to our team success.
5. Prezi
Jane introduced Prezi to our group. This is a virtual whiteboard that transforms presentations from monologues into conversations: enabling people to see, understand, and remember ideas.[i]We used this website for our final presentation. This collaboration tool helps us by provide a common workspace for us to modify presentation. Prezi supports multiple users to edit the presentation the same time. Also, the animation is very good and dynamic which helped us to form a professional presentation and the last thing is it reduced the chance of missing PowerPoint file because all the presentation slide are stored on Prezi.
6. Mobile phone
When our team has some urgent issues or some of teammate is not available to open meeting, we will use mobile phone to discuss our issue or ideas.
7. Face-to-face meeting
We first used Face-to-face meeting to discuss ideas for our team project. With the face-to-face meeting, it is more easily for us to exchange ideas and to compromise for the best solution. Afterwards, we used Face-to-face meeting to discuss the details of the project, divide sub-task to each teammate, the ultimate goals for each path and also the deadline for each part and choose for the next meeting date as well.
Team coordinates
I believe that my team coordinates is good across members. Jane is the team leader in our team. She got a great leadership in this project and solved some of the inter-team conflict. She is also good at English and helped our team to prove read the material before we hand in. Sophia is good at drawing, her drawing helped to improve our presentation a lot. I am good at technology stuff and able to solve most of the technical problem.
Team Decision making:
Our team decision was made by all of us. If we were facing any problem, the teammate who discovers this problem will rise out the issue and we try to organize a meeting for that or try to resolve it on phone. Since we are a small team with three team members only, Consensus decision-making was applied on our team decision making. It is a group decision making process that seeks the consent of all participants. Consensus may be defined professionally as an acceptable resolution, one that can be supported, even if not the "favourite" of each individual.[ii] With this approach, all of my teammate was able to express their opinion toward every ideas or problems. Although it may take a bit more time for us to get consent for decision making, it really helps our team to grow. The more the meeting we hold, the more we understand each of us. This is very effective especially discussing about the proposal for our projects. At the beginning of our team project, we have to propose 3 proposals to morning teammate. Our team easily thought of being companies served for elderly and all ideas focus on thinking of elderly related services. We told several hours to bring out 3 proposals to the morning class. Also, after each time of decision making, we sat a deadline to complete the task and we also sat up goals for every meeting. So our meeting did not take up too much time.
Our team runs smoothly for this project. However, conflicts took place when we were working with morning class teammates.
A. difference ideas on topic proposal
Our team focused on topics related to elderly. Our team first came with ideas for example, a community website join operated by both Non-Government Organizational and an IT company. Non-Government organizational can find their volunteers on the website while IT Company can post their advisements on the website. Community members could gain “points” from their volunteer hours and those points could exchange for volunteer service to their parents or friends, so this could form a win- win situation between three parties. Another idea is health care company collaboration with an IT company to develop a tablet device for senior citizens. The health care company can promote the device and sell to target customer, IT Company will responsible for the hardware, software design of the device.
For the morning group, they proposed a Sport wear company made and sold pedometer and other company was to provide coupons to the product. User need to compete several targets in order to get those coupons.
Both side thought that their idea was better than others. Hence, conflict occurred during the first inter-group meeting. Our side believed that their proposal was too narrow and not easy for collaboration, while their side thought that our proposal was similar to those existing organizations and worry about the exchange point system could be legally used or not. We all stick in the meeting and could not move forward.
Luckily, our teammate Sophia proposed each side need to provide one proposal for the presentation on week 9 by next week. This gave us time to think of how to make our proposal more attractive toward other teammate.
B. Not respected on our agreement
After the morning group sent us their proposal, they sent us an email in regarding for second collaboration proposal and asked us to accept it or not. We thought that this is not respecting our previous agreement on ONE proposal for the presentation only. We allow them to modify / change their proposal but not proposal two proposals to us. Their second proposal is almost the same as the first one and just changed from the other company to non-government organization (environmental protection organizational). However, the aim was still remain unchanged, user can only get discount coupons for Sport wear company. There is not much collaboration between the organizational and sport company. It looked like they were confronting toward us. Other than that proposal, they even seek support from Frank (without showing Frank detail information). This really made us very up sad. In order to make both side went into right track, our team proposed that each side keep their own proposal, to proposed it on week 9 and let Frank / classmates to pick which one is better solution for our project.
C. Conflict on final website name selection
After presentation on week 9 and the advice from Frank, morning team recognized that their proposal was not perfect for this project. Hence, they accepted our proposal with their modification. Our side takes PsychologicalVolunteersOnline as the name of the website, as we believe that the website is mainly for Psychological students and professionals. But the morning class prefers hafee (abbreviated from “holistic aid for empty-nest elders”). We both thought that the word “holistic” should be change to “Psychological” in order to reflect the objective of the website. Hence, our proposal was strongly rejected by morning team. As the time limitation, we compromised and picked their suggestion.
Why conflict occurred?
Based on the above conflicts, it is very clear that both parties lack of trust and communication.
According to “The challenges of working in virtual teams- virtual teams survey report -2012”, It is important to enable virtual teams to build trusting relationships. Trust builds incrementally, requiring consistent and continuous behaviors that encourage comfortable sharing and collaboration. [iii] As we are from difference background, difference personality and we came together to do the project, it is quite hard for us to build trust, especially forming virtual teams. Nature of virtual team is virtual relationship between parties and the relationship did not show in physical form. Human being like to setup protection when they meet stranger. Virtual team is quite hard to form a closer relationship to each party, due to the physical limitation. This explained why it is hard for us to gain trust toward morning team and I believe that it is important for us to establish trustworthiness relationship by interact and understand more morning team. If a trustworthiness relationship was formed, teammates will be comfortable to share what they think and what they concerned and it will turn to a better team project at the end
Communication is important to the team. Teammates get information from communicate with each other. Based on our conflict, it is very clear that the communication between is not effective enough. The existing communication looks like two-way, but the fact is one-way communication only. In order to resolve the problem, we should improve our interpersonal skill and interact with morning class more, by asking their interest or hobby, this can reduce the boundary between each other and create a better atmosphere for them to express their opinion. The more we understand each other the less chance we get into conflict. Once we understand their concern, we can get a better solution to them.
After completed this project, it showed that communication and trust are important for successful collaboration. Without trust, teammate may hide their concern which was important to the project and effective communication will help to reduce lack of trust issue.

Reference list

[iii]Virtual Team Survey Report-2012, RW3 CultureWizard

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